Spicy Peanut Butter Pasta

1 tbls oil
Salt to taste
3 tbls soy sauce
2 tbls Happy Home Chili Paste
1 medium sized onion, chopped
300g Pasta Roma Rigatoni Pasta
1 medium size tomato, cut into cubes 
100g New Beginnings Smooth Peanut Butter
75ml water mixed with 1 tsp MA’s Chicken Stock Powder

Step 1

Cook pasta according to package directions.

Step 2

While the pasta is cooking, heat oil in a pan and add chopped onion, tomato cubes and saute for 30 seconds. 

Step 3

In a small bowl add New Beginnings Smooth peanut butter, soy sauce, MA’s Chicken Stock broth, Happy Home chilli paste and mix well. 

Step 4

Add the sauce mixture to the tempered onions and stir over a low heat. 

Step 5

Add cooked pasta to the sauce mixture, adjust salt, mix well and serve warm.
For extra taste sprinke littlebit of cheese on top.